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- XDEF _DecodeTrack
- movem.l D3-D4,-(sp)
- move.l (A0)+,D0 ; higher part (dest register)
- move.l (A0),D3
- lsr.l D6,D3 ; shift lower part with count
- moveq #$20,D4
- sub.l D6,D4
- lsl.l D4,D0 ;higher part has to be shifted to fill
- or.l D3,D0 ;the rest-place, a longword has 20 bits
- movem.l (sp)+,D3-D4
- move.w D0,D1
- swap D0
- asmtest:
- move.l #dectrack,A0
- move.l #rawtrack,D0
- bsr DecodeTrack
- rts
- ; *** finds sync and shift
- ; in A0 rawdata
- ; out: D0 = 0 if success
- ; D1 = shift (0-15)
- GetSync:
- movem.l D2-D6/A1-A6,-(sp)
- MOVE.L A0,A2
- lea $7C00(A2),A4 ;end of rawtrack
- .SHF2 MOVEQ.L #$10-1,D5
- ; *** try to find the sync shift (0 to 15)
- .SHF1 MOVE.L (A2),D0 ; a longword of data
- LSR.L D5,D0 ; shift it by D5
- CMP.W #$4489,D0 ; sync?
- BEQ.S .SY ; yes: found sync AND shift
- DBF D5,.SHF1
- ADDQ.L #2,A2
- cmp.l A2,A4
- beq ErrorSyn
- ; ** shift has been found, sync too.
- .SY MOVE.L (A2),D0
- ADDQ.L #2,A2
- LSR.L D5,D0 ;d5 is the shifting-number when sync was found
- CMP.W #$4489,D0
- .1 MOVE.L (A2),D0
- ADDQ.L #2,A2
- LSR.L D5,D0
- CMP.W #$4489,D0
- BEQ.S .1
- moveq #0,D0
- move.l A2,A0 ; buffer synced
- move.l D5,D1 ; shift
- bra ExitSyn
- ErrorSyn:
- moveq #-1,D0
- ExitSyn
- movem.l (sp)+,D2-D6/A1-A6
- rts
- _DecodeTrack:
- move.l 4(sp),D0
- move.l 8(sp),A0
- DecodeTrack
- movem.l D1-A6,-(sp)
- move.l A0,A1 ; dec
- move.l D0,A0 ; raw
- bsr GetSync
- tst.l D0
- bne syncerr
- lea $7FFE(A0),A2
- move.l D1,D6 ; shift : D6
- subq.l #2,A0 ; longword reader
- ; *** until $5555 met
- LB_C962
- MOVE.L (A0),D0 ; read word
- addq.l #2,A0
- lsr.l D6,D0 ; shift
- cmp.l A0,A2
- beq decodeerr
- CMP.W #$5555,D0
- BNE.B LB_C962 ; until ==$5555
- MOVE.W #$0BFF,D7
- MOVE.W #$5555,D2
- moveq #0,D3
- subq.l #2,A0
- decodeloop
- ; boucle executee $C00 fois (*2=$1800: 1 track)
- GET_D0D1
- ; MOVE.W (A0)+,D0 ; read word
- ; MOVE.W (A0)+,D1 ; read word
- AND.W D2,D0
- AND.W D2,D1
- ADD.W D1,D1
- ADD.W D0,D1
- MOVE.W D1,(A1)+ ; write word
- ADD.W D1,D3
- ; SNIP
- DBF D7,decodeloop
- ; MOVE.W (A0)+,D0 ; read word
- ; MOVE.W (A0)+,D1 ; read word
- GET_D0D1
- AND.W D2,D0
- AND.W D2,D1
- ADD.W D1,D1
- ADD.W D0,D1
- MOVE.W D1,D7
- cmp.w D3,D7
- bne decodeerr
- movem.l (sp)+,D1-A6
- moveq #0,D0
- ; ** garbage
- ; MOVE.W (A0)+,D0 ; read word
- ; MOVE.W (A0)+,D1 ; read word
- GET_D0D1
- AND.W D2,D0
- AND.W D2,D1
- ADD.W D1,D1
- ADD.W D0,D1
- MOVE.W D1,D6
- syncerr:
- movem.l (sp)+,D1-A6
- moveq #-2,D0
- rts
- decodeerr:
- movem.l (sp)+,D1-A6
- moveq #-1,D0
- rts
- dectrack:
- ; blk.b $1900,0
- rawtrack:
- ; incbin "sb2.raw"